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Dongguan Wochang Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Guangdong, China
मुख्य उत्पादों: एल्यूमीनियम डी कास्टिंग, जस्ता डाई कास्टिंग, स्पिन कास्टिंग, सीएनसी मशीनिंग, ईंधन मिश्र धातु
डायन कास्टिंग
स्पिन कास्टिंग
ईंधन मिश्र धातु
ईंधन मिश्र धातु भागों

Dongguan Wochang Metal Products Co., Ltd. was established in 2014.Long-term focus on the development,production and sales of various alloy die casting and alloy materials.

The company has 10 sets of Zinc Alloy Die Casting Machinery <30-400T>, 10 sets of Lijin Aluminum Die Casting <280-800T>, 8 sets of centrifugal casting equipments, 10 sets of fully automatic Yizumi injection molding equipments <120-280T>, 5 sets of Haitian powder metallurgy equipment<120-280T>.

The company also has its own mold room, spectrum analyzer, fuel injection, polishing, CNC machining, dripping, tapping, assembly, packaging and other departments.It alos has 2 sets of large-scale alloy smelting equipments .

Good materials and excellent team manufacture high-quality products.